Dublin Independent Film Festival 2021 Online Edition
Nominated Films
Screened Films
Welcome to the Dublin Independent Film Festival, established in 2019 and organized by HF Productions.
After some difficult months, we have taken the tough decision to move the 2021 edition of the festival online for the safety of all of us.
In this edition, we are happy to present a selection of 12 outsanding films from well-crafted animation, to surreal dramas, light documentaries and odd comedies; films that can make you reflect, feel and connect.
Browse through the page below to find out more information about the films in competition and we hope to e-meet you all in June!
Award Winners
Best Animated Film
Best Cinematographer
The Falconer
Best Music Video
Best Editor
Best Short Documentary
Best Experimental
Best Screenwriter
Award Nominations
Best Music Video
Beharie - Don't Wanna Know
Cali Dreams - Vintage Culture & Fancy Inc Feat. The Beach
Best Short Documentary
Burning cars
Tears Teacher
The Last Journey
The Pleasant Pastimes of a Pandemic People
Best Experimental
Full Circle
Gilbert And George Daytripping (Again)
Piz Regolith
Stuck Together
Wild Grass